Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Who I Am: Facts about ME

I was chatting with fren last night when I suddenly thought of finding out what ppl think about me.

So, these are what I found out: (according to my fren)
  •  He eat bread with cornflake=weird; I was like ok, normal ppl don't do that, I just like to mix things around, inlcuding food...lmao
  • jo will suddenly say fuck when really pissed; well recently I do that that a lot, too many fck up thing happened. the word just come out without me noticing... 
  • small eyes; ok that's pretty obvious
  • jo cant remember ppl name so he will giv an adjective to describe a person; haha, this is so true, dont be surprise if I cant remember the names and start describe ppl like, short thin skinny, fat, plump.... lmao
  • He blank out sometimes ( meeting/talking...)
  • it seem like he's looking around and spot you, in fact he's just looking at the air; i know this is weird, but what for so busybody look at everyone and everything...lmao
  • his food knowledge is really bad, as in bad B.A.D....
Ok, that's all I found out. I'll appreciate it a lot if you tell me what else you see in me that's weird or worth to be pointed out...I am on my way to find out more about myself... And, I need your help. Yes, it's you, im pointing at you.

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