yea, this is the last stop for my wish list...
nothing but the camera gears and accessories can be this last wish list!!
Target Number 1: 50mm f/1.8 len

the picture above already showed what the len can do, that's the bokeh effect... well, bokeh is the blur affect behind the subject that you shoot whereas the subject is sharp in focus... another example is shown below...

this lens is a must (unless you choose to get 85mm f/1.8) and always be the second lens that every dslr photographer will get after starting their photography journey...
price around
RM300, can be cheaper depends on where u get it.
just for more information, there are 50mm f/1.4 and f/1.2 available too for pro-er photographer and those who can afford the price. f/1.4 is more than RM1K, no idea how much is f/1.2
Target Number 2: Canon 430exII speedlite
well, external flash is another must (though build in flash is available) for a photograper besides other 'must' thing like tripod, 50mm, camera bag... blar blar blar...
RM 1100 from Canon shop

that's all for my wish list... a conclusion to be made here... i personally think i'll go for the 50mm f/1.8 first coz it's cheaper.... next i'll get myself the flash!!!! I WILL!!! but not now... for the HTC phone i think, i think it's just a short term favourite plus it never fully satisfied me with its feature and function... i will stay with my SE w810i for now until i think it's really time for a new mobile phone...
Sibu Borneo Cultural Festival to be next!!!