This was the first time, i shall say, to really try on the fireworks shooting. yeap, it was at the closing ceremony of BCF. There were a lots of people, as well as photographer. When the performance at the stage nearly finish, i can see some of the photographers, one hand with their camera, another with the tripod heading toward their preferred location waiting for the last firework performance. it was a long long waiting there as the last last performance was quite a long one. But, it worth the waiting. As usual, i missed the first shot as i was adjusting the setting. During the opening ceremony time too, i missed the first few shot. Haiz... what an experience. anyway, it was a good one to experience the firework shooting. Somehow i found out that a tripod is a must, but it can be distractor if u dont know how to use it. Hoppe got more chance for firework shooting in the future.
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4 days ago