Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 wrap-up session

This is responding to the post one the very 1st Jan 2010:

#1 Study harder n play
      Could've done better

#2 Snap more good pictures to be shared with everyone
      More opportunity to shoot. consider a good job for beginner

#3 Upgrade my lens n perhaps the Cam body

      Upgraded the lens not the camera

#4 Earn more money working at Marketing Dep and other part time as well
     Earned less at marketing dept but got the chance for an internship at sunway

#5 Be a better member of VUBC
      I hope I did

#6 Successfully help out with the VU Voice

      Helped, but EFFORT WAS WASTED!!!

#7 Maintain my body weight below 80kg
     Body weight still around there. But it doesnt matter already since im expecting muscle mass to

#8 Get more performance experience (dance) than 2009
      Dance with my fellow frens for the annual ball which is awesome!!!

#9 Get to know more dance kaki
      Ly, Sey, Nier, Yen, Yang, Qian, Don

#10 Facebook friends break 600
       This has gone further, it is now 705 ppl in  my fb

#11 Get myself a new laptop
       Soon, VERY SOON

#12 Improve in guitar, learn at least 1 song per month
       Interest on guitar slowly to fade out, it's time to pick up my guitar perhaps

#13 Get a group of best friends rather than a im not ready for gf yet
       Yea right, I had a group of KRaZy frens!!

#14 Workout/exercise more as in 2008...or better than that...
       Start out pretty slow in the first half, but pick up the pace in the second half of the years due to
       Ms. Mystery and a new gym buddy then-Jay
#15 Talk more to my housemates... yea, we seldom talk n it's kinda weird and strange...
       50/50. Did talk but u know me, I DONT TALK MUCH

#16 A trip to island, can be pangkor/redang/ketam.... whatever... i just wan an island trip
       A simple trip in mid 2009

#17 Make my passport and have an oversea trip as well, im looking toward Bali, HK, Taiwan..
       Didn't get to do my passport... so...

#18 Back to hometown at least once besides CNY
       Yea, I did went back, for my sister's wedding else. (and not going back for 2011 CNY.)

       Did not use it. wasted

So that's it about my 2010 resolution sum up.2011 resolutions coming soon.

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