It has been a long time since my last blog. All this while I was either busy with continuous tasks or do not have the initiative/courage to blog! Most of the time I was really busy with university's workload- vu night preparation, assignment then exam!! (before holiday)
what bout after exam?? Lol continued with a 10 days rest and followed by an after exam vacation with frens to Langkawi. This was actually my first trip with frens. A lot of happenings along the trip, good things, bad things all happened! And I got myself drunk on the last night of vacation! Im very lousy in drinking actually! Started with Hoegarden, kampai, then chivas, and Malibu! Impossible not to get drunk as a lousy drinker like me! The funniest thing is my fren got drunk with only one n a half bottle of! Thanks to all my frens for memorable trip we havd together. And my blessing to Emmy to recover real soon...
And finally it's theast month of the year-december! I like December! But somehow I hate it in the sense that I'm getting older this month! But I like it still. Lol sound confusing right.. Hehe. Well I started off my December by getting myself working as student helper at marketing department at my university in part time basis. The paid is quite indeed. But it definitely worth the experience.
Besides, I've just finished attending my friend's wedding last Sunday. At the same time it was my first experience shooting a wedding event!!! All the louis pang wedding photo came to my mind! How much I wish I was him that I can help my fren take great wedding pic! Anyway I've tried my best with my limited accessories! All I can say is nothing is easy! Same to wedding shooting! Time is a real important factor, followed by skills, angle, the use of light....etc. I'm on my way of processing all those pic... Hopefully I can come out with some great pic! Might do an album if got enough great pic! Wish me luck!
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