well, it is now five sth in the morning and yet i haven sleep... went to bed at 2 but cant fall asleep, so might as well wake up to do sth... and, im here in from of the computer, wondering what to do with the computer when everyone else is in their dreamland.... watched a show, kung fu hip hop.... and i decided to write sth here...
Friday 19/09
well, every friday is my supa street day... so, went to the class as usual... and this friday is another new routine --->>>>> locking/Hip Hop... it's really new and fresh for all of us... only 3 bars of 8 steps, altogether 24 steps.... but, we took one hour to learn 'em... it's toughest routine till now... and it's fast... have to keep our movement fast to follow the music and yet lotsa energy is needed for the locking part... tired... sweat like just finish bathing...lol... i think there will be contnued version for this routine... cant wait any longer for next friday to come.... oh yea, there was one lady who was so happening there in the class... from the beginning til the end... and another two girls... eat shit la this two girls...so damn fucking annoying... they stand in front and yet keep moving back until ppl at the back got not enough space... who they think they are... so selfish... if shy and dont want ppl see u dance then move to the back la or else might just as well dont dance la... shit girls!!!!!!!! spoil our mood only... damn it... all d ppl at the back looking at 'em and they're like feeling proud to be noticed by the crowd.... continued to 'act' like xiao zha bo!!! haha.... next time better dont stand in front of me again.... damn it!!!!!!
Saturday 20/09
my fren come to my unit to cook barley early in the morning... woke up after he done... so, what i need to do is be there to eat!!! haha... after that, head to library... and i finally deicided to install kaspersky antivirus...
walao eh.... my com got lotsa viruses... damn it... the next thing i did after library is sleep....... from 3 til 6 sth.... haha....
Sunday 21/09 (TODAY)
my fren have planned to go jogging this morning at 6.30........ me, david and sk...... i wonder if i got the energy to jog later... i think i need a half an hour sleep at least... sleep time...
30 end MINUTES end SLEEP
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